Lime Magazine
The Atlantic
50 Moments That Defined Trump's Presidency
Weekendavisen Newspaper
EL Haynes Portraits
The Atlantic
Does the internet threaten creativity?
The Atlantic
Is the Criminal Justice System Broken?
The Atlantic
Being Happy With Sugar
826: Tivoli's Astounding Magic Supply Co.
The Patron Saints of Magic
Earth Heroes
Book Cover and interior illustrations
Why Farmers Are Throwing Out Tons of Milk
Voice of America
Who Can Be President?
Inequality Media
Reimagining Public Safety
Hillary Clinton campaign: 2016
Zetland Magazine
If I Were King: Portraits of Slavoj Zizek,
Umberto Eco, Ariana Huffington, Mohamed ElBaradei
Hillary Clinton campaign: 2016
Georgetown University Posters
Encyclopedia of the Body
Why do I get bags under my eyes?
Must I brush my teeth?
Should I read my phone in bed?
The things most likely to kill us
The Atlantic
The Toxins that Threaten our Brain
Hillary Clinton campaign: 2016
Mr. Monopoly Trump
Hillary Clinton campaign: 2016
8-bit Political Characters
Hillary Clinton campaign: 2016